Friday, 30 September 2011

UAE and Terrorism

Most recently, Shaikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Foreign Minister wrote an excellent article published in Gulf News “Ten years on: A world united against terrorism” in which he rightly stress the need to have collective efforts to fight against terrorism and counter-terrorism strategies. In his article he suggested different panaceas to win over this universal menace. He presented an alternate vision for the future one that supports a culture of peace and tolerance.

H.E. Shaikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Foreign Minister
The foreign minister showed his grief and agony about the terrible incident of 9/11 by saying “geographical distance vanished and differences in culture or political systems faded away in our common grief”. He termed 9/11 event as attack on against universal values. He upholds that terrorism has nothing to do with religion, race, caste, political system or economic background.
Shaikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan narrated its country splendid contribution and concerted efforts towards anti-terrorism drive and. UAE joined the rest of the world in 2001 in their collective anti-terrorism drive. He elaborated his country deliberations in fight against terrorism and labeled it multidimensional i.e. peace keeping activities/missions, humanitarian assistance efforts, wide spreading of educational and health care units and the last but not the least to assist Afghan people from debacles of war and debris of massive collateral damage.
He mentioned that this was not a conflict between religions or civilisations, but an international effort united behind a humanitarian and political cause: to defeat violent extremism in all forms and under any ideological banner. He urged the world to continue its collective efforts eradicate terrorism and violent extremism in the world. He suggested that correct security measures, effective information sharing and the full use of relevant international legal conventions and instruments would be useful to free the world from the terrorism.
The UAE foreign minister rightly and precisely pointed that alleviation of global poverty is must to win the war against terrorism. He enlightened his country’s role against global poverty and highlighted a vast programme of international aid assistance to improve economic conditions of the marginalized communities and struggling people living around the globe. On its part, UAE launched different development projects worth of Dh34 billion in different countries during the last decade. Moreover, UAE continues its emergence relief programmes in many vulnerable areas such as Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and in sub-Saharan Africa, he added.
He recommended that international political efforts to be pursued to uphold the principles of justice and international law, and enshrine respect for human rights in order to eliminate the curse of terrorism. He called for an equitable and comprehensive peace for the Palestinian people for undermining the rhetoric of global terrorism in the Middle East.
He opposed division of people on the basis of religion or sect. He supported national unity and sovereignty from Iraq to Yemen. He mentioned his country principal stance on the ‘Arab Spring’ and extended support of peaceful engagement and constructive dialogue as the means towards progressive change.
He praised that Islam is the religion of humanity, peace and respectful of other religions. Infusion of education, better understanding towards others cultures and faiths would be useful to fight against terrorism. He stressed the need to revisit our national, regional and international policies of anti-terrorism for securing better, comfortable and happy future.
9/11 was the turning point in the modern human civilization. Afterwards, universal human values and security apparatus completely were changed. It was game-changer which produced paradigm shift in the globe’s foreign policy. Immediately, global economy was jolted. Finances were shambled. Stock markets were crashed. Universal society had to face unending onslaught from the perpetrators. The Mexican ways of terrorism spread throughout the world and preyed hundreds of thousands innocent helpless, hopeless and hapless people.
Samuel P. Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations Theory was projected to further division of mankind. It was successfully, propagated to win the sympathies of allied forces. Hegemony prevailed which confronted with severe resistance from the Al-Qaeda, Taliban and its regional franchises militants. The Saudi’s initiative “Dialogue of Civilizations” proved productive to engulf the differences. Pakistan’s 3Ds policy i.e. dialogue, development and deterrence also showed its weight.
It is now ten long years to fight against terrorism, extremism and fanaticism and hot pursuit is still on and on in different parts of the world not confined to Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Indonesia and Pakistan.
Pakistan played significant role in fight against terrorism. It became first front line state in this cause. Armed Forces of Pakistan offered unlimited and uncountable human sacrifices, larger than any allied forces, NATO, USA or EU loss in the war against terrorism. Its valuable services are highly appreciated all over the world. Armed Forces of Pakistan fought bravely in order to marginalize the enemies of humanity, peace, harmony and development. It launched full-fledged military operations in different parts of the country against terrorism and succeeded to secure victory over them. From top brass to bottom every one showed great character and determination. It is still rigorously engaged and sincerely positioned to eradicate this menace. The caravans of martyrdom not confined to police, federal constabulary, costal guards and paramilitary forces.
The Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) played a magnificent role in the ongoing war against terrorism. It captured so many high profile leaders of Al-Qaeda and Taliban. It rescued the country and the allied forces from many expected causalities. It unearthed many conspiracies against the sovereignty and security of the country and the world at large. It fought against all odds and its many unsung heroes laid down their lives in this deadly combat.
The economy of Pakistan was the easy prey of terrorism. The country badly suffered economically and we have already lost more than $65 billion in the fight against terrorism. Investments were dried out. Tourism was vanished. Joint ventures were faded. Political stability was crumbled. Law and order situation became worse. Capital fight became common. Brain drain erupted. Infrastructures were collapsed. Business activities were down and doomed.
The people of Pakistan bravely faced its repercussions. More than 30,000 people lost their precious lives in the gigantic fight against terrorism. Collateral damage was colossal. Nevertheless, anarchy preordained and normalcy regained.

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